They got weed at the weed dispensary?

A bunch of our close friends had been talking about all the weed they bought at the weed dispensary.

I thought that they were just telling stories.

To be honest, I knew they were telling stories, hoping to make themselves sound like they were bigshots. They were genuinely making themselves sound out to be idiots. Everyone knew how the weed dispensary in town, only sold legalized weed. The legalized marijuana was the same as saying it was legal medical marijuana. Unless they were stealing the inventory, there was no way they were purchasing weed from that weed dispensary. I had gone there with our aunt when she was using legal marijuana for her nausea from chemo. I was just eighteen and I was even allowed to purchase the CBD. The one girl told me that I had to be twenty-one to purchase anything from the store. I understood where she was coming from and I didn’t want to make a big scene. She said that if I hadn’t come into the store with someone who was over twenty-one years old, she would have to stop me at the door and tell me to leave. I stood behind our friends smirking at them when they said about getting their weed from the weed dispensary. When we were finally walking away, I asked where they genuinely got the weed from. I told them the story, and they just kind of hung their heads. The one told me had never tried smoking weed, but it made for a nice story. I slapped him on the back and told him she was the biggest nerd I had ever met. The others just rolled their eyes because they still understand that I knew that they were all just full of bull.


recreational weed