Office life and weed

My job got a whole lot nicer once I got the pay increase.

It came with more stuff to do, which was good. It also came with an office, and that was the game-changer for me. Most of the employees here work in small spaces. There is 1 main room, honestly huge, that is crammed full of dozens of little offices, with an identical work area in each of them. I worked there for a few years, and never enjoyed it. Now I have my own office, which means I can stop sneaking hits from my vape pen throughout the day. After hours, I always keep my bong and my jar of cannabis within arm’s reach. It doesn’t matter if I am making meals, cleaning, watching a movie, or playing drums, I like to take cannabis hits throughout the night… and on weekends throughout the day, as well. At work that will not work, of course, so for a month I brought in a vape pen with a nicotine cartridge in it instead of cannabis oil. I told almost everyone about quitting cigarettes (which was certain) and how this kind of vape pen didn’t work with THC infused products (which was totally not correct at all). After that I could take puffs of THC infused cannabis oil at work from time to time, although I still had to be cautious about it. It doesn’t smell like marijuana, exactly, but there is just a hint of it, which can make people suspicious. So you see why having an office is so great, now I can smoke as much cannabis oil as I want all day long!

medical cannabis