I’ve been working a delivery job for the past few months.
- When the pandemic hit, many jobs disappeared while others opened up quickly.
The call for new delivery drivers was far and wide. My task working for a travel business disappeared all together, and I thankfully had years of delivery experience on my resume when I handed out prescriptions for a big pharmacy in my college years. It was a good job at the time because most of my clients were wealthy elderly folks who left big tips. So when I saw so many delivery tasks open after the start of the pandemic, I made a choice right then and there to apply for one of these positions. Within a week I had managed to schedule more than 4 interviews, with more than one of them being bustling restaurants that were forced to close their dining rooms amid statewide lockdowns. To survive, they desperately had to change their business model of sitdown eating to delivery and pickup orders. Now I’m all over the town every single day, and that’s why I’ve switched to buying mostly vape pens with THC oil whenever I got to the local weed store. Although I get cannabis flower products for at home marijuana consumption, I need something hidden and small that I can use in the car in between delivery spots. I always get oil pens with CBD added so the intoxicating effects are small. It’s so I can relieve the back pain from sitting for hours, not to get “high” in the usual sense of the term.