Aunt Lisa has constantly been the goofy one, and she has an awesome sense of humor plus can find anything to laugh at pretty much.
She is just an enthusiastic woman plus spreads her joy, however taking her on her first trip to the marijuana dispensary was a treat for me… Aunt Lisa has smoked pot long before it was legal.
She was so used to marijuana being taboo that at first the marijuana dispensary was overwhelming for her entirely. When Aunt Lisa gets overwhelmed, she laughs, a big, booming laugh, plus she easily draws attention. The budtenders at the marijuana dispensary are especially helpful, however Aunt Lisa didn’t seem fit to ask questions or get advice. She enjoys to figure things out on her own when she is able to. She obtained some indica strain plus some sativa strain plus some type of hybrid, plus made the choice that she would find out on her own what she enjoys the most. She obtained a marijuana oil pen plus marijuana oil, so she would be able to smoke more discreetly! I hope she knows how to use it. She had a field day purchasing marijuana edibles. Aunt Lisa really enjoys eating. She obtained pot brownies plus Space Cakes plus gummies plus chocolate bars, plus started eating them while she was still in the car. My Aunt Lisa had a truly nice time at the marijuana dispensary plus she was feeling no pain in the least by the time I got her back to the dwelling. Taking Aunt Lisa to the marijuana dispensary for the first time was a royal treat. She was basically like a kid in a candy store. The two of us go back next week, but should be really fun!