A later night

I used the online order plan so I could have some cannabis supplies delivered to our home, however the online order plan was easy to use, but a lot of the items that I wanted to purchase we’re out of stock, i was disappointed that the cannabis dispensary didn’t have any yellow dream or Girl Scout cookies.

These are more than one of our number one strains in addition to they did not have either one.

I had to settle for a unusual hybrid strain. I also ordered some gummy candies that are vegan in addition to free of gelatin. I bought some watermelon, lemon, in addition to apricot flavored chews. I also ordered several grams of live resin sugar. The total for our order was $157. I qualified for free delivery which was a undoubtedly nice perk, and when I was checking out, I had to choice a delivery time. I chose the time slot from 6 until 7. I finished labor at 5 in addition to I knew I would be apartment before 6. Of course, the delivery driver didn’t arrive until half past 8. I could have worked late in addition to I still would have been there before the delivery driver. I called the cannabis dispensary at 7:30 in addition to they tried to tell me that the driver could not find our address. It’s not difficult to find our house. I live on the corner in addition to I had our front porch light on. I suppose it was an excuse. I have no idea why the delivery order was an hour late, however I don’t suppose it had anything to do with not being able to find our address.

recreational cannabis dispensary