Out like a light

A huge amount of people take sleep for granted, however not me.

A nice evening’s sleep was something that I hardly, if ever, had all the way through my teenage years, then it was more than just bad dreams, it was pronounced issues that surfaced whenever I fell asleep.

It was so tough for myself and others to ever sleep more than a minute at a time, and that takes a toll on your health! So discovering pot in high university was a real game changer for me, and led to improvement across the board, people always tend to say that cannabis makes you dumb, or lazy, however if anything the opposite is tploy for me. After a nice evening of using a little cannabis I fall into a deep sleep and wake up feeling rested and energetic. I do not spend all morning long sitting around my apartment getting baked, I go to work, handle all of my responsibilities, and then reward myself with a important fat bowl of cannabis in the evening, and okay, that’s the lie, I reward myself with a series of bowls and joints of cannabis throughout the evening until bedtime. Since cannabis does make myself and others believe so relaxed, I restrict using it to after hours, when I have met the morning’s goals, why bother getting a nice rest and being pumped up if I am just going to smoke cannabis all morning long? After so numerous years of feeling tired, I care about feeling awake, and then when it’s time to wind down and relax, cannabis helps myself and others out with that. If you have a big problem with sleeping, try some cannabis!


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