A fun game to pass the time

What did you do during quarantine? Of course you smoked a bunch, who didn’t? What I mean is what else did you do? There was only so much TV I could watch, you know what I mean? I watched all the seasons of Once Upon a Time, then the whole run of Jane the Virgin, and topped it off with New Girl and then every episode of The Good Place.

  • So, after that I just didn’t want to even look at the television for a while, so I had to get smart.

I live with my friend Ian and his friend Boris, and we hatched the method of a cannabis “olympics” style event. The three of us created several different games based around smoking marijuana, and then would go head to head and see who came out on top. I know it sounds ridiculous, but we were bored. We got the cannabis dispensary delivered, and we literally had nothing else to do however smoke. The three of us started off with “blunt sprints” which used lower brand marijuana in blunts, and the people I was with and I each smoked a whole blunt to see who did it the fastest. Next was the Gravity Bong Hurdles, which used Purple Haze in our sink-based gravity bong, and this was an endurance challenge. The three of us actually should have used lower quality marijuana for that, because it knocked us all out… although I was the last man standing! The cannabis Olympics lasted for the better portion of a week, mostly because the people I was with and I would smoke ourselves dead by the middle of the afternoon! It was an amazing way to pass the time.


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