It is taxed now

Why does there regularly have to be taxes with everything? Back in the day, before legalization changed the way things were done, paying tax on your weed meant pinching off a large bud for a woman who set it up.

A cool company would never charge this kind of tax ,but it was still good manners to at least offer to smoke the woman out with the stuff she just sold you.

Those afternoons are long away, sadly, as well as now the taxes being paid are real taxes, to the tune of five to seven percent, I would rather just cut off a chunk of cannabis instead of paying the extra money, but this is how the world works now. Another thing I miss about the aged way of buying cannabis is the bulk prices. Cannabis dispensaries offer a retail price for the product, as well as you won’t get a discount for buying a ton of it. Back in the day I would buy half a pound of weed at once, get a large price break, as well as save a lot of currency over the long term. Modern day weed dispensaries are designed to sell smaller amounts with greater frequency, to keep people coming back for more. I like going to the store, it’s regularly fun to see what modern cannabis strains they have, despite the fact that I would rather buy bulk like in the aged afternoons. I assume I sound like a grumpy old man, as well as I am, but what’s wrong with liking the way I used to procure cannabis instead of cheering for these clean, sanity, boring dispensaries.

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