I grow what I need

Out here in the country, you need to fend for yourself, then I am still a city boy at my core, so I will drive to the nearest neighborhood and go food shopping and supply shopping once a week (weather permitting, of course).

A lot of our neighbors don’t want to make the three hour round trip to get to the nearest town, so they grow and hunt their own food as much as possible.

I really admire the cowboy spirit in these people, so I adore living here. I trade with a lot of the locals, from our cannabis crops… which is the other reason I love living out here. As much as I loved the city life, there was simply never enough room for our cannabis growth, and now I have the entire woods at my disposal, then my closest neighbors are a few acres away, and much to our surprise they are all good with our marijuana grow. Much like I do, these people see the practical value in cannabis and hemp products, and oftentimes make trades with myself and others for their own products. I am never wanting for meat, milk, fruit, or fresh veggies, because our neighbors are glad to trade for some of our cannabis! I swear to you, never before have I cared less about the dealer of growing marijuana, because I am just passionate about country life! That said, the dealer is going great, because our marijuana crops have never been healthier or more voluminous. My increased output is leading to record profits, which means I may be able to quit from the maruijuana dealer sooner rather than later.
