I was lucky to have the doctor prescribe medical marijuana.

Many people don’t have doctors who are knowledgeable about medical marijuana.

Either they prefer the chemical drugs they give their patients, or they don’t know enough about marijuana.

If they were to do their research, I think more doctors would prescribe medical marijuana. I found that many hospitals that doctors work for, won’t give their doctors the ability to prescribe medical marijuana. I was lucky to have the doctor I went to, prescribe medical marijuana. He was associated with the hospital, but he wasn’t hospital doctor. He was a pain specialist who didn’t believe all pains required surgery or injections. He told me he was sure I would benefit from the use of marijuana. Medical marijuana could help reduce the inflammation that is causing the pain, and help relieve the pain while the inflammation is reducing. It works in many ways that it can make you feel more relaxed while other chemical properties will relieve pain and/or swelling. Marijuana plants have natural chemical properties work with the brain to treat the problem without causing more. CBD has the same chemical properties of THC, but there is no psychotropes involved. With the proper amounts of CBD and THC, the brains natural chemicals work with the natural chemicals of medical marijuana to help the body tell itself how to handle the myriad problems that may be taking place in the body. Once the doctor explained this to me, I was excited to see what medical marijuana could do for me. I didn’t want to take some drugs that were made in a laborator, when I could have natural plant-based medicine like medical marijuana.


medical pot dispensary