The local cannabis dispensary stopped carrying my CBD product.

I have been in search of my CBD products for almost six-months now. I had been using a medical marijuana products that is more than ten times the amount of CBD as there is THC; I had no feelings of euphoria, except those that came from the lack of pain. I was experiencing less pain, and enjoying life again. Fibromyalgia isn’t a disease that people can see. It is much like muscular back pain. You don’t look like you have a reason to be in pain, so some people assume you are faking it. When I was prescribed medical marijuana, the doctor told me to get a product that was mostly CBD. I found a product at the local medical marijuana dispensary and took it home. A week later, I was walking better, and I could sit for more than a minute before needing to move. My son asked what gives, because I wasn’t so mean. I told him it was because I was now using CBD. Then six months later, they discontinued the CBD product I was using. I was frantically searching every medical marijuana dispensary within fifty miles of my home, but none of them had the CBD product. I didn’t know what I was going to do. One medical marijuana dispensary manager told me about another product. I would need to be more careful with it. It had a bit less CBD, but it was still five times more CBD than THC. I bought the product, and I am now feeling better, but I need to use less or I get high.



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