The nurse said medical cannabis is a natural product.

I was talking to a nurse the other day and I admitted that I used CBD cream for my arthritis pain.

  • She smiled and then looked up.

She told me she couldn’t understand the way the minds of politicians worked. Cannabis is a product of nature, and has less side effects than any man made drug they have, including aspirin. Millions of people had depression, arthritis, and other medical conditions that can be helped with the use of medical cannabis, but there is too much of a stigma placed on marijuana use. Some of that stigma is because doctors are afraid to tell patients about medical marijuana. They won’t get the kickbacks that doctors get from selling the pharmaceutical drugs. They can’t make as much money when people are medicating with natural substances. She told me she thought most addictions were from people who had no other recourse than to self medicate because they couldn’t afford big pharma prices. As expensive as medical marijuana was, it was still cheaper and much safer to use, than if you used chemical filled pharmaceutical drugs. I smiled as I listened to her talk, and then she apologized. She said she didn’t know my take on it, but since I used CBD and it seemed to help, she was proud of me. After explaining I was hesitant to tell anyone about my marijuana use, she told me I shouldn’t be.. It was all a part of the holistic health movement, and she was behind it 100%. I am no longer going to hesitate when telling people I use medical marijuana.

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