I get the most bang for my buck with small hits of cannabis

My elderly folks were just kids during the Great Depression, so they have an identifiable outlook on life.

Even though those afternoons of poverty are years behind them, they still have a poverty mindset. They both hoard things, they bargain shop for items they don’t need, and they refuse to throw anything out. Since they raised me, I also have a wee bit of a poverty mindset. I don’t hoard stuff, however I always try to make the most out of everything I have. I always eat all of the leftovers, and I never throw away any cannabis roaches, no matter how small or blackened they are. There is no question that I can buy more cannabis, because I have smoked every day for as long as I can recall. I do always try to maximize our cannabis supply, which has given myself and others a few very curious habits I don’t see in other smokers. For example, most of the time I smoke cannabis by using metal butter knives on a stove. This is the most economical way of smoking marijuana in all the world, and I challenge you to prove myself and others wrong. I get the highest highs from high smoking marijuana this way, and I only use a fraction of the normal amount of weed. With as much cannabis as it takes to roll a blunt, I could use it to stay high for an entire weekend. Hot knives on the stove work as a makeshift vaporizer, giving you an amazingly wash and concentrated dose of cannabis that will rock your world. If you’ve never tried tepid knives before, you have to try it!

Cannabis delivery

There are some unsafe alternatives to the cannabis dispensary

The price of weed at the cannabis dispensary is out of control. I wish I had enough disposable income to just buy what I needed, however the economy sucks and I simply can’t do that. The seasoned adage says “you get what you spend money for” and I believe this to be true. The products at the weed dispensary are top notch, and of the best quality. They also demand high prices, which I can’t afford to spend that much money anymore. The price of everything keeps going up, so I have to get creative to save a little cash. There are several alternatives to shopping at the local cannabis dispensary, however they are all illegal, and some of them are scary. My buddy Benny usually has a surplus of cannabis on hand, and doesn’t mind selling myself and others a few grams. The disadvantage with Benny is that his marijuana is of the lowest quality, barely better than ditch weed, and it often reeks of bug spray. I have the iphone number for a local marijuana company named Jerry. The concern with Jerry is that he only sells by the ounce, and I usually can’t afford a full ounce of cannabis, then also I have become aware that Jerry has done time in prison for drug trafficking before, and I don’t want to get busted by the cops trying to buy marijuana. Benny and Jerry both have prices that are much lower than the cannabis dispensary, however both of them come with greater risks to our health and our freedom. I wish the cannabis dispensary would just lower their prices some!

Local cannabis cafe

There are always so many things to do at the cannabis dispensary

In the seasoned afternoons, back when I was younger and cool and liked to go out and party every night, I used to love to go out to the bar. Some nights I chose to stay in and hang out with my friends. My friends and I would watch movies, play video games, and chill out. Other nights I would go out on the town! I would drink just as much booze either way, and going out was a lot more extravagant to pay for. However, I just appreciated being social! It’s fun to go out and meet new people sometimes, I think. I have outgrown the bars and clubs of the local nightlife, however have taken a very strong interest in the cannabis dispensary. Some nights I love to stay in and smoke cannabis, however other times I want to go hang out with people and socialize while I get stoned. I am very lucky that the local cannabis dispensary has a new smokers lounge, because now I can go there any time I please. The cannabis dispensary is just outside of town, about a half hour from here. Even though cannabis is legal in this state, this town has some old and seasoned laws on the books that prevents the dispensary from being more centrally located. This rural locale gives the place a certain ambiance, and allows for a screened in patio to be used for a cannabis smoking area. They usually have music, or screen movies, however the vibe is quite chill with a handful of people just hanging out enjoying vape products or cannabis edibles. I usually go to the cannabis dispensary once or twice a week.

Blue dream

I’m so broke, however I still need medical cannabis

I make the same amount of income as I used to, however the prices for things have skyrocketed.

The only things that haven’t changed are taxes and pay.

The bi-weekly bills are higher, the cost of food at the grocery store keeps going up, and there seems to be nothing I can do about it! I don’t want to get another task, and I don’t know I should have to! This great country of ours used to spend money to pay us a living wage, however I know those afternoons are gone, aren’t they? Instead of toiling more jobs I decided to tighten our belt. Now I drive less, I go out less, and I spend less cash on buying cannabis. I used to smoke cigars, and stopped for budgetary reasons, however I can’t stop using cannabis; Cannabis is non-negotiable, it is the medicine I need to maintain our mental health and keep a more positive outlook on life. I used to have the scary kind of depression, and flirted with having suicidal tendencies for a while, however smoking cannabis helped calm our jangled nerves and keep myself and others tethered to reality. Without cannabis I lose touch with what’s most pressing, and those seasoned dark thoughts begin to creep back in. I guess that marijuana affects pretty much everyone differently, however for myself and others weed genuinely is medicine, and I depend on it. If I have to eat nothing besides Ramen Noodles every day, and drink tap water, it would be worth it so long as I could still afford to buy cannabis. I am a lot more frugal, and usually smoke with knife hits, however I need to smoke cannabis every single day.

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The new upgrade of the cannabis dispensary was amazing

For the past six years the only medical cannabis dispensary in town was a dumpy, run-down shop owned by a grouch named Joey.

Joey could be a jerk to his customers because he had no competition, so my friends and I had no choice however to patronize his shop.

Since that point, several other rival dispensaries have opened in town, so Joey had to adapt or die. Joey decided to sell his shop to a younger entrepreneur and retire down south. Within a few weeks, the new owner has totally transformed that dumpy seasoned shack into the nicest and most entertaining cannabis dispensary of them all. Joey wanted people to buy cannabis and leave instantly, however now they want people to stay and hang out. Around the back is a small video game arcade, with classics from the early nineties you can play while you shop for cannabis products. There is a smoker’s lounge around the side, where cannabis vape products and edibles are allowed, however as of this writing smoking real cannabis was still off limits. There has been talk of opening a small cannabis cafe, as well, however so far the selection has been limited to a bakery cart loaded with yummy edibles. The point of all this is that the cannabis dispensary has been transformed from something dull and humdrum to something actually exceptional. The budtenders on staff are all so cool, and never pressure the customers into hurrying up or purchasing a certain amount of cannabis. Now I will spend a while in the cannabis dispensary every time I visit, just because it’s so much fun.



Sativa strains for sale

I really miss smoking cannabis

I am doing all of this for our boy Ed. Ed was a happy little accident, however was born prematurely with an underdeveloped respiratory system. My friend and I knew both from the outset that Ed was going to have trouble breathing. It was nothing that could not be overcome with a little time, however my friend and I had to be so careful with him the first few years. My husband told myself and others that I could never burn anything inside the house again. No incense, no scented candles, no cigars, and definitely no cannabis! That was the sizable 1 for me, because I could care less about cigars or incense, I only used that to cover up the aroma of our cannabis smoke. I know that the best possible way to use cannabis is by smoking it, however for Ed I am willing to make another choice. Even though cannabis edibles contain the same amount of THC as flowers, the impact it has on myself and others is remarkably different. That means that smoking marijuana always gets myself and others a lot higher, and makes myself and others know a lot better, than when I eat it, however, cannabis edibles give off no smoke and leave no residue, so if I want to get stoned at home this is the only way to protect our daughter’s health. Even when I am over at a friend’s home I have to be careful about cannabis, because the smoke particles can cling to our skin and our clothes and I can convey them to her. When Ed is a little older and not quite so delicate maybe I can get back into smoking cannabis, however for the time being it’s only edibles.

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Discounts on weed at the cannabis dispensary

Eventually I will run out of new 1s to visit, unless there are newer cannabis dispensaries that opened in the meantime

Over the past three years I have collected a series of tips and tricks for saving cash on weed. The system for this started during COVID, when I had a ton of extra time on our hands. Of course I was in quarantine for several weeks and couldn’t put my new method into action… Now that we have gotten back to some kind of normal, I am free to travel around and visit any dispensary in the whole state! Because my friends and I were 1 of the first states to legalize marijuana use, my friend and I have a ton of dispensaries. Occasionally I drive for two or three fifths to find a new cannabis dispensary, because I have a nice trick up our sleeve. When I l received that cannabis dispensaries offer a 1-time special discount for new customers, I realized that every time I visited a new place I could save 100s of dollars on marijuana. When I return to the same cannabis dispensary, I have to spend money at the respected prices. But that first time, I can score a fat discount anywhere from 25% to fifty% of our total purchase. This is why I don’t mind driving a long distance to find a new cannabis dispensary I’ve never visited before. I have a special Google Maps application on our iphone that shows myself and others every cannabis dispensary in the state, and I can cross them off after I visit. Eventually I will run out of new 1s to visit, unless there are newer cannabis dispensaries that opened in the meantime. Once I’ve visited them all, I’ll need to know of a newer plan.


Girl scout cookies

A discussion forum with posts about local cannabis prices

Maybe the economy is doing better where you are, however around here it’s a mess, and unemployment is high, pay is low, and pretty much everyone is scrambling just to survive through another week! I guess it’s accurate for me, because I am so broke these afternoons I can barely afford weed.

For this purpose I started an online discussion forum for a few friends who all want to share info about cannabis prices, sales, or discounts, then this is all totally legal, my friend and I don’t discuss illegal drug transactions (at least, not on the main posting board), it’s just a way to share information to try and save more cash on cannabis. This part has over a dozen cannabis dispensaries, and it’s impossible to stay current with all of them. This is why a centralized hub for cannabis information is too overpriced to us all, however with so numerous cannabis dispensaries in 1 site, there is an enjoyable chance that at least 1 of them has a sale or special deal happening. That said, rarely are the sales as broad as a 25% discount off all cannabis items. More frequently there is 1 particular strain of cannabis with a reduced price, or a brand of cannabis gummies… Since every cannabis smoker has odd tastes, actually few of the cannabis sales apply to pretty much everyone, however all of these sales apply to at least 1 of us. I am partial to using cannabis sativa blends and strains, so those are the sales I keep an eye out for. With our combined experience and will power, my friends and I all manage to save a little cash on cannabis every week.

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I don’t have to buy my weed illegally

It’s so nice that the law changed, however ultimately it didn’t matter to me.

  • I have been smoking pot for over twenty five years, plus I never expected it to be legal.

I just didn’t care. I liked getting stoned, so the laws against it never deterred me, not even when I was a sophomore in high university! I still get stoned every single day, usually multiple times a day, so it doesn’t matter to myself and others what the cannabis laws are. The best part about weed legalization is that I have more options than I did before. Not only do my associates and I have a medical cannabis dispensary in town, however my associate and I have three of them! It’s called “being spoiled for choice” because now I can bargain-hunt plus look for exotic current cannabis products at any of these shops. This is such an amazing way to live, because in the past I never had any real options when it came to buying medical marijuana. My pot guy only ever had 1 strain at a time, so I could take it or leave it. Not only do I have much more to choose from, however all of these cannabis products are of a far superior quality than what I used to buy. Looking back I was mostly smoking ditch weed, but I didn’t have enough experience with high quality medical cannabis to think the difference. As much as I want to complain about the prices at the medical cannabis dispensary, there is no questioning that it is the best possible weed. I’d rather pay more money for better quality marijuana than keep on smoking the cheap stuff.


I started a group chat about local cannabis dispensary sales

They were just about to expire, plus the cannabis dispensary wanted to unload them before they went bad

Our group started small, just a circle of friends who hang out on a correct basis. Since my associates and I were all stoners, I got the idea of starting a group chat on Facebook centered around the most important topic – the cost of weed. At this point dispensaries are legal, plus there are numerous of them around our area. There are also a handful of illegal pot dealers who never went out of business after legalization. In the group chat my associates and I post updates plus info about the price of local cannabis, sales, deals, or special discounts. The group chat is a repository for data about local cannabis, plus it helps all of us save a lot of money every month. Most cannabis dispensaries offer special deals, however you have to either be lucky or have perfect timing to find them. Although they all have their own websites, these are mostly done so that purchasers submit online cannabis orders. They rarely advertise specials or deals online, so going inside the cannabis dispensary for a look around is the only way to hear about them. With all of us visiting the cannabis dispensaries respectfully, my associates and I can post to the chat whenever my associate and I see something great! Last year I found a sale bin near the back of the dispensary that was loaded with cannabis drinks. They were just about to expire, plus the cannabis dispensary wanted to unload them before they went bad. I purchased a couple six packs of the cannabis infused fruit juices, plus then blasted the group chat with pictures of the sale table.
