Severe Anxiety Needs Solution

I have been suffering from anxiety for way too long.

The anxiety is getting so excruciating now that I am scared to go out of my home. I worry about everything plus I’m not sure if it is safe for me to go anywhere. I don’t like it when people look at me, plus I want to run away. I worry about whether I am going to be beaten up. I don’t even want to hear someone say hello. I knew I was going to drive myself totally out of my mind, despite the fact that I couldn’t help it. It all started when my coworker died in a road rage incident, plus it is just getting worse as time goes on. I reached out to a psychiatrist, plus he told me that all I needed was time. I needed time to recover from the trauma plus live again, despite the fact that I didn’t suppose how. He did his best to get me to come to a group therapy session, despite the fact that I had to leave the home to get there. Since my sibling was the only one I allowed in my house, my PCP talked to him. The PCP explained that he thought with the help of medical marijuana, I may relax and get in a good frame of mind again. Instead of antidepressants which could make my condition worse, I was going to be trying out medical marijuana. The dentist commanded I use marijuana edibles instead of smoking the marijuana. It wasn’t an all-out cure, but it was helpful. Within multiple months, I was taking small trips outside with a companion. I was talking to others plus I could even look them in the eye.


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