Author: admin

My buddy is a high end marijuana grower

It’s nice living in a neighborhood with so many kind and interesting neighbors. There’s an elderly couple that lives at the end of the street who used to toil in the film industry in Los Angeles. The man was a film editor while his husband worked as an actress in cable shows for several decades. […]

Getting CBD products delivered to front door

I am unquestionably conscientious about my workouts, then i correctly exercise when I first get up in the morning. I spend approximately an fifth on a combination of stretching, strength training, high intensity aerobics and balance exercises, and my workouts incorporate lunges, squats, jumping rope, jumping jacks, burpees, crunches and weightlifting. I combine physical fitness […]

Willing to pay more for top grade flower

I was honestly happy by the legalization of recreational weed in our cabin state. I am a long-time cannabis enthusiast. I’ve been purchasing illegal marijuana to smoke for nearly twenty years! With illegal weed, there is no guarantee of safety or quality. The dried flower often contains an abundance of leaves, sticks and seeds. When […]

Willing to pay extra for top shelf flower

I was honestly happy by the legalization of recreational weed in our house state. I am a long-time cannabis enthusiast. I’ve been purchasing illegal marijuana to smoke for nearly twenty years! With illegal weed, there is no guarantee of safety or quality. The dried flower often contains an abundance of leaves, sticks and seeds. When […]

They had CBD, but it still had some THC in it.

I had a dentist’s appointment for my rheumatoid arthritis, however the two of us were talking about adding more medicine, & once again, he told me I should look into getting a medical marijuana ID card, but i didn’t want to use marijuana because of the stigma that surrounded it, he told me it was […]

Cannabis for a worried flier

For a long time I wanted to be a medical cannabis patient, however honestly the big reason was for flying; I am required to fly a lot for work. I also have a family up north that wants myself and others to visit, then being on a plane has myself and others nervous. I hate […]