I no longer have the anxiety that I used to

The idea that I would ever be shopping in a cannabis store for cannabis flower products was not something that would happen to me.

  • That’s because I could hardly vacate my house to do any kind of shopping, much less go to a legal weed store.

But that is exactly what has happened once I decided to try treating my chronic anxiety with medical weed. My anxiety started in college plus has simply amped up to the point that I have to work from home. Prior to treatment with medical marijuana, I was nearly totally on my own. The doc was sort of out of ideas when it came to prescription medicine so he just increased the amounts. That triggered some side effects that I simply was unable to deal with. So with the help of my therapist, I started to figure out how to get a medical weed card. My therapist had given me some cannabis information some time ago despite the fact that I hadn’t acted on it. After the complications with the prescription meds, I felt like I had to give medical cannabis a try. And I’m so easily thankful that I did just that. Since starting with the cannabis flower products suggested by the legal weed store, the results were staggering. Like, I can hardly believe this is my life now. I can undoubtedly leave my house, get in my car plus go anywhere I want due to the cannabis dispensary. I even attended a meeting at work that would have been unthinkable just a few brief months ago. Medical marijuana positives are real plus medical cannabis has helped myself and others to completely transform my life.

cannabis benefits

Road to recovery

Every time I passed a crash on the highway, I would constantly feel bad for those involved.

  • I think I must have gotten a bunch of those kudo points in return when I was involved in 1 of those highway accidents.

And I’m easily thankful for every single 1 of those people as it was touch and go for myself for a while. Thanks to skilled doctors plus other nurses, I was pieced back together plus survived. But the recovery from something like this is long plus arduous. Thankfully, I have access to a cannabis dispensary for the cannabis products that aid myself and others as I heal. The recovery process involves a whole lot of painful physical therapy followed by rest periods. I learned early on in the process that I was being hindered by the pain meds. They were something that I was leaning on plus I wasn’t giving my all to the important steps of regaining my movement. So I changed course plus sought an alternative to the pain meds. That’s when I found out about the medical marijuana benefits when it comes to pain. I got some pressing cannabis information which helped me get started navigating the medical marijuana regulations. When I was able to get the cannabis flower products that I use, I was so happy with the results. Not only does medical cannabis help myself and others manage pain, it undoubtedly motivates me to get the most out of my physical therapy appointments. With medical marijuana, I’m even doing extra stuff at my house that I wasn’t doing before.

medical cannabis

Diarrhea is made better with cannabis

I’ve been diagnosed with many different conditions when it comes to my chronic stomach pains.

It’s not classic Crohn’s disease plus yet it’s not exactly IBS either.

Different docs have viewed it differently over the years. Regardless, I’ve had my life sort of switched upside down with this diarrhea condition. However, I’m finally getting some much needed help treating medical cannabis. I can’t tell you how glad I am that I chose to attend a series of cannabis dispensary events. While I was aware of the fact that there were legal weed shops in this state, I just didn’t think much at all about medical weed. At the cannabis shops, I got some good medical marijuana facts that pertained to my stomach issues in particular. This got me motivated to get through the medical marijuana regulations so I could get to a cannabis dispensary plus see for myself. Happily, the legal weed store I chose had staff that was easily well versed in the many medical uses for marijuana. They got me the cannabis flower products that had the best record of success with diarrhea. It took a little getting accustomed to as I hadn’t used cannabis products at all. But once I got the hang of it, the medical cannabis treatments undoubtedly took life by the reins. I’m just a few months into the medical cannabis treatments however I’m already feeling happier than I have been in years. I’m not missing work nearly as much as my diarrhea episodes are less frequent plus far less horrible. I just wish I had paid attention to medical marijuana benefits earlier.

medical cannabis products

A good way to eat

I’m so glad that I learned from the cannabis information plus got myself access to the cannabis dispensary

I never thought I could view food as great for me. To me, food was either the worst thing ever or the only wonderful thing I could find around me. Given where I began, the fact that I even acknowledge a good meal is quite a start. I’m getting good support from my doc plus my therapist with my eating issues. But I also have to say that medical marijuana has played a very significant role in my healing from this horrible disorder. It’s interesting that I’m using medical cannabis as a part of my treatment. Growing up plus in school, I constantly declined any offer of any cannabis products. I really didn’t want to go into my binging with the munchies. So I constantly was mindful to give any sort of cannabis products plenty of space. Now, I am undoubtedly shopping for medical cannabis at a legal weed store. The therapist I began seeing when it was good that I either get help or end up completely destroying my health, gave myself and others some cannabis information. With the help of my doc I was able to satisfy the medical marijuana rules of my state. This allowed me access to the cannabis dispensary near me. The results were encouraging from the very start. The cannabis edibles I began using undoubtedly did help me feel my appetite as my body’s request for sustenance. This allowed myself and others to begin eating healthy food to satisfy what was a natural need plus not see food as only for binging. I’m so glad that I learned from the cannabis information plus got myself access to the cannabis dispensary. Medical cannabis is so key to my new lease on life.

medical marijuana dispensary

It has been my dream to get into gardening

I was totally blessed, in that I stumbled into my dream task! I owe it all to my cousin Pat, who took me under her wing and gave me a chance. Thanks to Pat I was able to learn that sometimes being loyal to your friends and family can pay off big dividends. I am not the smartest guy around, nor am I particularly tough, however I am totally reliable, and Pat knew she could trust me. She brought me into her corporation and I made sure she would never regret that particular decision. Pat was a cannabis farmer, and I was the type of woman who never even touched the stuff. That actually worked in my favor, because Pat was looking for workers she knew wouldn’t steal any of her cannabis products. You might guess “how could working a marijuana crop be your dream task if you don’t smoke the stuff?” Well, because I totally appreciate gardening, I like working with my hands, I enjoy being outside, and farming cannabis pays way better than being a gardener. Even though cannabis plants would not be my first choice for my own private crops, I get paid to garden and that is a total dream come true. Besides, Pat gave me my own patch of land around the outskirts of the cannabis field that I can use to grow vegetables or whatever else I wish. These crops will give more cover for the cannabis plants, and eventually give us a ton of great food to enjoy! If I ever make the decision to start smoking marijuana, I will get a lifetime supply for no cost.

Marijuana cafe

Taking tinctures and edibles along on a hike

Every weekend when the weather permits, my friends and I head to the area state parks to kayak, bike or hike the trails.

The park closest to our apartment building includes multiple trails.

Some of them are basic and others are more strenuous. My friends and I are ready for any difficulty level. We keep in shape and life active lifestyles. We’re happy to spend an entire day outdoors in the woods or on the mountain. We are rock climbers, swimmers, runners and paddle boarders. After a day of hiking, we still have plenty of energy left over. My friends and I picked out one of the longest hikes for last weekend. The trail includes one access point, and then it’s a round-trip winding around the mountain to achieve the summit. We knew it was going to be a long day. I suggested stopping at a cannabis dispensary to purchase some treats. My friends thought it was a great idea. Our state offers legal recreational cannabis. We are over 21 so we’re able to shop at any of the dispensaries with valid identification. We decided to purchase the most portable options. We needed items that would fit into our pockets and not draw attention. Smoking is prohibited on public parks. Tinctures and edibles don’t require any extra gear, allow for precision dosing and are very discreet. Our stop at the cannabis dispensary was quick and rewarding. We enjoyed having cannabis infused products available during the hike. The tinctures provide rapid onset of affects while the edibles offer delayed and long-lasting effects.


Taking tinctures and edibles along on a hike

Holidays are a great time to visit the dispensary

Halloween is always one of my favorite times of the year.

  • It is such an unusual holiday.

I like that it’s not about presents or a big meal. Halloween is just about socializing. My family decorates the house, dresses up in costumes and hands out candy. At work, I encourage the staff to dress up on Halloween . I manage a boutique cannabis dispensary. I’ve worked there for the past three years. My staff consists of eight employees. We are a great team. Everybody works hard and is a valuable asset. I hoped all of the crew would get into the spirit of the holiday. I asked everyone to contribute ideas. We came up with Halloween candy cannabis edibles including gummies, cookies, chocolates and brownies. We also gave away a dispensary T-shirt with every purchase. We offered some great deals on vapes and cannabis infused bath bombs. Our specials drew in a sizable crowd. We did a really good business. A lot of our customers were willing to hang around in the vape lounge. They were all dressed in costumes. We gave away prizes for best costumes and did some drawings for free swag. Now I’m already looking ahead to Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays. We’re planning to decorate the dispensary and include a Christmas tree. I not only want to increase sales but bring new people into the dispensary. I want to get past the stigma against cannabis and introduce the healing properties to more and more people. The holidays are the perfect time.


Weed delivery near me

Working at the cannabis dispensary

I have made a point to try our products to gain first hand knowledge.

My friend helped me to get hired at a cannabis dispensary. It’s a great job. I really like helping customers find the cannabis strain and consumption method that works for them. Our boutique shop offers quality craft cannabis and unique strains you won’t find anywhere else. The terpenes are really exceptional and the THC content impressive. My friend had been an employee of the dispensary for over a year. When she learned that her boss was looking to hire a few new people, she suggested that I apply. I filled out an application and went for an in-person interview. My friend and I were both tickled when I got hired. The manager puts on the same schedule during the week, which allows us to ride together and save on gas. I have loved my job from the first day. I went through a great deal of training to prepare me to knowledgeably answer questions. I need to be well-versed in our products and the effects they provide. I like being able to recommend specific strains and explain terpenes. I can help our customers find gear to ensure a convenient process and cannabis for a rewarding experience. When I started working at the cannabis shop, I was a little unsure. I have made a point to try our products to gain first hand knowledge. I’ve also gotten to know our clients and their preferences. I’ve heard their success stories using cannabis to overcome physical and mental ailments. The more I am part of the cannabis industry, the more I believe whole-heartedly in the plant’s potential.

recreational weed store

Each dispensary offers a different deal

Everything is harvested with my most proper protocols

Recreational cannabis is legal in my home state. There are several dispensaries in the nearby vicinity of my home. Each one offers a new special throughout the week. On Mondays, the nearest dispensary always advertises 10% off everything in the store. It’s a great deal. If I need any gear such as batteries, papers or bowls, I make sure to wait until Monday. The only issue is that there isn’t a lot of stock left on the shelves after the weekend. There won’t be an abundance of dried flower available. They are always completely out of pre-rolls and low on vapes and edibles. A dispensary that is a bit further away from my home offers a sale every Thursday that’s strictly for dried flower and pre-rolls. They put different strains on special every week. I am always anxious to see what strain will be discounted. I love it when the strain is a favorite. I then buy as much as the legal limit allows. When it’s something that I’ve never tried, I like taking the opportunity to sample something at a discount. If I don’t like it, I haven’t spent all that much. Just recently, a third dispensary opened up near the airport. It’s not all that far from my house but it takes around 30 minutes to get there because of traffic. I love the dispensary, but hate the drive. I don’t go there all that much because of the frustrating commute. However, they are responsible for their cannabis from seed to sale. I can be sure that there’s no pesticides to worry about. Everything is harvested with my most proper protocols. The flower is gorgeous with trichomes and especially potent. They also include a full line of CBD products and all sorts of skincare items.

Marijuana delivery near me

Getting cannabis delivered for our fight night

My roommates and I invited some people over to our apartment on Monday night.

  • We’d ordered a fight-night on pay-per-view and wanted to share it with friends.

We asked about six people to join us. We bought beer; wine and mixers and set out some snacks. My own roommate mentioned buying some cannabis from a local dispensary. Everyone thought it was a great idea. We knew some weed would make the night that much more fun. Because my roommates and I had already started drinking alcohol, we worried about being over the limit. Driving to the dispensary was not an option. We checked the cannabis dispensary’s website and found that they offer free delivery. My friends and I went online and browsed the product menu. The menu was huge. There were all sorts of cool strains of dried flower and pre-rolls. The colors were vibrant and the flower was sparkly looking because of the abundance of trichomes. The selection of edibles was incredible. They had all sorts of cannabis infused chocolates, mints, gummies, cookies, brownies, granola and more. The concentrates covered everything from rosin and shatter to pull-and-snap. We had our pick of topicals, tinctures and vapes as well. We were able to qualify for free delivery because of the total price of our order. We were surprised by how quickly the dispensary handled the delivery. We needed to show a valid ID to receive it. Everything was packaged discreetly. Having access to cannabis definitely enhanced the enjoyment of the evening. Everyone had a really great time.

recreational marijuana store near me