What cannabis can help with

I work at a high end medicinal and recreational cannabis shop, we see over a hundred buyers walk through our doors each and every day.

We’re so busy that we’ve extended our company times, staying open later throughout the month and offering hours on Saturday and Sunday as well! Our buyers all have easily uncommon yet clear reasons for visiting our facility.

They have diverse changes as far as consumption methods, strains and terpenes.We asked our client to take a survey about their consumption practices. We were overwhelmed by the response and surprised by the results. The number one reason our buyers use cannabis is for better sleep. We’ve found that a lot of older people, especially older women, struggle to fall and stay asleep… Cannabis tinctures are great for this; Second on the list was for mental health complications and to relieve anxiety. Since just about everybody suffers from some style of stress, the two of us realize that many of our customers are finding cannabis helpful for relaxation. The seventh reason was simply for having a good time and socializing, followed by pain issues and cutting inflammation. We also had results from buyers treating cancers, looking for MS symptom relief and to stimulate appetite. When our buyers share their success stories, they help others to figure out what might work for them. Sadly, the FDA prohibits us from making any claims about the unique effectiveness of cannabis, and it’s a lot like pear sellers can’t make claims about the efficacy of pears, even though the two of us all guess they’re good for you.

Cannabis farming