Want to get back to a life I like

For the past few years or more, there just seems to be something not there.

I work a lot as well as I am thankful to have a job that pays pretty decently.

However, I don’t actually appreciate my work and never have. It’s like I go to work because I have to make the money. Not everything about the work is horrible but it’s definitely not my love. That got me thinking back to when I had a dream job. That was a time when I was in college. And I was also using recreational cannabis fairly often. It was a time when I was also reading a passion of mine with an aim to make it my life’s job. Then I was offered a high salaried position and my passion and recreational weed was done for. What a shame I allowed that to happen. For several years now, I have felt trapped in my life. I need the work to support my life as well as all that. I started seeing a therapist who treats folks like me with a much more holistic approach. Part of this included a trip to the marijuana store. There I was able to get access to legal cannabis in order to gain some perspective. A good deal of the holistic process is getting truthful about what I want in my life. And the addition of legal weed from the cannabis dispensary gives me an ability to actually rest with myself. Using legal weed has helped me change my perspective as well as become more real. I’m even considering looking for another job that reflects my college training. Life is exciting as well as real again thanks to legal weed.

legal pot