We should all get used to cannabis dispensaries

I love that I lived long enough to see the legalization of marijuana in my home state.

Given all the terrible things that have happened over the recent past, there’s still a lot to be said for life.

I haven’t to be one who believes in the best when it comes to human nature. I really don’t believe that we’re beasts and I think we are evolving away from our worst instincts. When you look over the last thousand years or so, I think that argument sort of proves itself. The fact that marijuana is getting legalized all over the place can only be a good thing. Again, that’s another evolution in the right direction. And it’s something that I have hoped for but didn’t think would happen in my lifetime. Of course, there is a very basic and economic component that has paved the way for marijuana legalization. But it’s also an indication that we are seeking truth when it comes to marijuana products. And that truth has been there all along as human beings have used cannabis products thousands of years. Believe me, the last few years are just the tipping point. Soon the eastern seaboard will enjoy legalization of recreational marijuana and there will be a giant demand for cannabis. It’s not like I’m some great financier but I’m sure investing in the marijuana business. That’s a ground floor opportunity. We’re definitely on the cusp of a nationwide referendum when it comes to marijuana products. It’s been a long time coming and I’m excited to see what’s about to happen in the very near future when it comes to marijuana legalization.


recreational weed