I use the delivery service when its raining

I frequently order marijuana from a delivery service in the city.

They offered delivery services to many different locations all over the county. I always try to tip my driver well, because they have a huge route and a big job to do. I use the marijuana delivery service a lot when it’s raining. Sometimes on a sunny day I will take a drive to a different marijuana dispensary near me, but they don’t have the same deals and sales as the other place. Saturday we had a pretty big rainstorm and it started early in the morning before the sun came out. It was pouring down rain when I woke up and there was already a buildup of mud outside. I didn’t want to take my car down the driveway. The last time I tried to drive my car in the rain, I got stuck in the mud. I called the marijuana delivery service instead. I looked online to see which items I wanted to order and I made a list. I called the marijuana delivery service and talked to a budtender on the phone. The budtender gave me all of the deals for the day and helped me place my order. It was very quick, painless, and effortless. Less than 1 hour later, my delivery items arrived. The driver looked like she was having a terrible day. She was soaked from the rain from head to toe. I would have met the driver outside at her car if she would have alerted me when she was approaching my home.

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