Medical marijuana helped with my husband’s migraine headaches

Growing up, I was always so adamant about using drugs and still as an adult, I have stayed away from them. In fact, I went as far as not dating anyone who uses drugs whether recreationally or for medical purposes. Well, that all changed because my husband James uses medical marijuana for his migraines. Over the years, he has tried many drugs and has changed his diet thinking that would help. The doctors were unable to cure his headaches and they were so debilitating that he could not function when he used to get them. Fortunately, a good friend of his told him about the benefits of using cannabis for migraine headaches. James said that he hesitated at first because he had never experimented with the drug in his life. He was like me and stayed away from it at all cost. After getting no help from conventional medicines, James finally decided to give medical marijuana a try. He figured it was one avenue that he needed to explore. And to his surprise the medical marijuana helped a lot with his migraine. So, although he still gets occasional migraines, the medical marijuana has been the best solution that he has had thus far. Not only is medical marijuana good for migraines, but it is also used to help people with nerve pain as well as multiple sclerosis. Moreover, it’s used for nausea, some immune diseases, glaucoma, epileptic seizures, asthma and cancer, just to name a few. Not all doctors support the use of cannabis, but James is proof that it can be helpful. And after years of suffering through migraines, he can now live a somewhat normal life.

how to get a medical marijuana card