My friend works at a medical marijuana clinic

My friend Lisa works for a medical marijuana clinic, and she said it’s one of the best jobs that she has ever had.

As a Certified Nursing Assistant, she has worked in many doctors’ offices, hospitals, nursing homes, and more, but none of her jobs have been quite satisfying.

I am glad that she found a job that brings her joy, because I was tired of seeing her quit time after time. Not only is she making more money working at the medical marijuana clinic, but she was also able to get her identification card. Lisa has always loved the natural approach to healing, so that is part of the reason she hated working in the traditional medical facilities. And for as long as I’ve known her, she has always used marijuana for various things over the years. She doesn’t smoke it, but she drinks the tea, and over the years, she has also used CBD products for various issues. She has mentioned how much it has helped her, something that the traditional medicines failed to do. In fact, traditional medicines have many side effects, so Lisa has always been wary of them. Personally, I have never used CBD oils or any marijuana products for that matter. But that doesn’t mean I don’t believe in their health benefits. While some critics (mostly medical experts) of CBD products fail to acknowledge the good that they have done, the proof is in the countless people who have seen improvements in their lives. And as long as it continues to help people, CBD products are here to stay.


Medical Cannabis Certifications