Using medical marijuana helps me with panic attacks

I don’t know what I would do without having access to medical marijuana

Even though marijuana is still illegal federally, there are a lot of states across this great country that allow the use of medical marijuana for mental in addition to physical conditions. Medical marijuana has been legal in parts of the US for over two decades. More than 30 unusual states across the country have legal medical and/or recreational marijuan sales. States on the western seaboard were the 1st to see the benefits of medical marijuana. Many studies have shown marijuana benefits conditions such as ALS, Alzheimer’s, in addition to Crohn’s disease. Medical marijuana is also rather effective when it comes to serious in addition to chronic pain. Many medical pros are prescribing medical marijuana to help treat serious in addition to chronic pain instead of prescribing dangerous opioids. Medical marijuana is 100% safe to use, however there are a couple of minor side effects that can be severe when first starting out… 1st time medical marijuana patients report feeling dizzy, hungry, in addition to lethargic. I prefer to use medical marijuana to help with panic attacks in addition to anxiety. I suffer from excruciating panic attacks that are triggered rather easily. When I start to feel panic, I abruptly reach for my marijuana vape pen. I take a couple of big puffs from the marijuana vape pen in addition to I start to feel the anxiety in addition to panic start to melt away. I have an indica strain for the evenings in addition to a nice sativa called red dream for the daytime. I don’t know what I would do without having access to medical marijuana. I hope this state will join the dozens of others with legal recreational weed sales. The new measure is on the ballot for this November.


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