Marijuana is not a gateway drug except to the fridge

When I was younger, everyone used to tell me that marijuana was a gateway drug.

I never understood the meaning of that sentence until I was in college.

I smoked a lot of recreational marijuana in college and it was definitely a gateway drug to the refrigerator. I ate so much food during my freshman year of college that I ended up gaining 30 lb. Every time I smoked recreational marijuana, I had the munchies. First I crave something sweet and chocolatey like ice cream, cupcakes, or chocolate. After that I craved something that was salty like chips, pretzels, or popcorn. At the end of my freshman year, I got on the scale and realized that I had to change my eating habits. I definitely didn’t want to stop using recreational marijuana, because I liked the way that I felt when I was high. I also liked hanging out with my friends and we all enjoyed recreational marijuana. I definitely knew that I needed to make some changes, so I started an exercise program that included running and going to the gym everyday. I still use recreational marijuana frequently, but I make sure to have healthy snacks and munchies like fruit and granola in the refrigerator, instead of cookies, snack cakes, and chips. When there’s only healthy foods in the house, that’s what I’m stuck with for snacking. My girlfriend is the only one in the house that still craves ice cream when she smokes a bowl of marijuana. Now I crave giant pieces of watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, and honeydew.

recreational cannabis