I spent last weekend with the kids

I usually spend a little time over the weekends with my niece plus nephew. They are both 10 years old plus my sibling Sue works on the weekends sporadically. I get to spend the day with them plus Sue and I usually do something fun like go to a river or go to the beach. Last weekend, my sibling had a conference plus it was over 6 hours away. Sue had to take an airplane plus he could not take the kids. I offered to keep Sue’s kids the entire time that my sibling was away. I did it think about the fact that the kids were going to need all of my attention. I got high on Friday night after the kids went to sleep. My husband Jim works at the local marijuana shop. Jim brought home a new marijuana product that is a joint infused with cold water hash plus live resin. The marijuana joint had 56% thc. Jim and I smoked the one gram joint plus then I fell asleep. I did not wake up until 10:00 a.m. plus by then both of the kids were already in the bedroom watching TV. They found some peanut butter granola bars in the cupboard plus they were eating. Jim and I had the kids all day on Friday plus they did not want to take a nap. I thought I would have time to smoke another fat marijuana joint when they laid down, however I suppose I forgot that 10-year-olds don’t take any naps. I did not get to smoke marijuana again until Sue picked up the kids on Monday, but by then I was filled with stress plus anxiety. I don’t know how Sue does it.


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