Prices on concentrates are definitely lower in the country

It might surprise you to find out that prices on marijuana concentrates are certainly lower in the country than they are in the city.

One of the single biggest reasons why is due to the fact that all of the cannabis farms are located in the country.

All of these various cannabis farms are certainly close to the dispensary and that means that the stadium can charge rock bottom prices. Prices on concentrates are really some of the lowest in the whole state and the country. I can buy live resin concentrate for less than $20 a gram and sporadically I can even find THC diamonds for the same price; and unfortunately, it’s about an hour drive to get to the marijuana dispensary with the low prices. I cannot drive to the dispensary every week, because it takes a while. I finally tried to visit the marijuana dispensary once a month when I got my first paycheck. I tried to buy enough products to last a whole month. I can usually buy 8 grams of marijuana concentrate and that will last 30 afternoons. I can make the concentrate last even longer if I buy a bunch of pre-rolled marijuana cigarettes. If I smoke a pre-rolled marijuana cigarette in the evening, I do not vape any type of concentrate. I like to keep a few peculiar types of products in my home, because concentrates and flowers both make you feel differently. Periodically I want the whole head buzz of a joint, and sporadically I want more of a body high and that is associated with vaping concentrates.

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