The edibles were flavored like strawberries and cream

About 6 months ago, they broke ground on a brand new cannabis shop down the street from my house building.

  • The real section where the cannabis shop is located used to be a parking lot, then someone purchased a parking lot and started erecting a building on the lot.

I didn’t even know that it was going to be a cannabis shop until a few months later. I was talking with a county inspector and I just happened to find out that the supplier was going to be a medical and recreational marijuana shop. At first I was really distraught about all of the clientele coming to the section and then I remembered all of the marijuana shops in the area. There’s no reason for someone to come all the way from the other side of the neighborhood when there are medical and recreational marijuana shops all over the stadium. As soon as the shop opened up near me, I decided to go there to look at the products that were available. I do not officially smoke recreational marijuana, but I do like to eat edibles. The store had a pretty big selection of edibles from a variety of peculiar shops and manufacturers. I picked out a tote of gummy candies that were supposed to taste like sour strawberries. The watermelon flavored edibles were covered with sweet sugar, but they were sour like a nuclear warhead. I could only eat one single candy at a time or my eyup started to water. The candies were tart and flavorful and they packed an incredible punch. I was high for numerous hours after consuming the edible.

medical marijuana store