The medical marijuana facility was on fire this time

I woke up early in the day on Thursday and there was an odd stink in the air.

It was almost like burnt wood or hair. I went outside to smoke a cigarette, because I hate my house to stink like nicotine. I have an air purification system near the door too, so the stink of cigarettes does not linger inside of my home. When I finally noticed the odd stink in the air, I also saw a glowing red color in the distance. When I eventually realized there was a building on fire down the street, I called 911. I reported a possible fire a few blocks from my apartment. The dispatch lady reported the complication to the fire department and called for backup. I heard sirens outside in less than a minute or two. I later found out that the medical marijuana facility was on fire. There is another medical marijuana facility numerous blocks from my stadium. They grow, harvest, and distribute marijuana from that particular building. I was enjoying the news at dinner time to find out what had happened earlier that day and I did not expect to see the story about the marijuana store, then early reports say that more than 71% of the store was burned to the ground. If that is the truth, it’s really going to take a while for the shop to open up again. I should begin looking around for various deals and savings at other local dispensaries if I am not going to be able to go to the stadium that is my number one dealership.


medical marijuana