Pain relief from cannabis

It can be difficult to handle the various state laws. Specific states have relaxed restrictions on recreational and medical marijuana. Other states are severe in their enforcement and limitations of cannabis. My dad suffers from chronic pain due to a series of spinal injuries caused by working construction for over 40 years. Despite attending the best rehab facility in our area to try improve mobility and lessen the pain, my dad is limited in what he can do. He deals with constant back pain and struggles to sleep through the night. He has tried just about everything to minimize the pain. As much as some people in my local area would disagree, cannabis is a natural remedy for pain. It works with the natural cannabinoids in the body. There are no long-term side-effects and no chance of an overdose. I am furious that our state government has decided to make it so difficult for patients like my dad to get a prescription approved for medical cannabis. Just recently, our state final has legalized medical cannabis. My dad went to great lengths to get his cannabis card. He’s now able to visit the local dispensary and purchase something for pain relief. He has tried various products and consumption methods and has had success with tinctures. He likes that this method is extremely quick acting and discreet. Most of the time, no one even realized that he’s taken it. Because of the cannabis, my dad can now move around again. He’s sleeping better at night and has more energy throughout the day. Medical cannabis has been a life saver for him.

learn about medical marijuana