My boss called me Monday afternoon and asked me to come into work a few minutes early that day.
I thought that the recreational cannabis dispensary was busy. I figured that was the real reason why my boss wanted me to come in a few minutes early. When I arrived at the recreational cannabis dispensary, I was ready to begin working my shift. Instead, the boss escorted me into her office and told me to take a seat. The girl told me that there was a theft over the weekend and over $200 worth of cannabis products were stolen. I could not think the news. I instantly wanted me to think if someone broke into the store. When my boss told me that it happened when I was working, I was completely dumbfounded. My boss turned the computer around and showed me a video of the theft as it happened, however not only did it happen while I was at work, but it happened on my shift and right at my counter. While I had my back turned, more than one guys helped themselves to some marijuana concentrate from under the counter. They were seriously quick and you could tell that they were professionals. My boss told me that they took $200 worth of cannabis products while my back was turned for a hot second. The girl demanded an explanation, however I didn’t have anything I could say. I didn’t see anything with my back turned. I didn’t help them steal the items. I would have stopped them had I known they were breaking the law. My boss said I was being legitimately careless. Then the boss told me that I was fired.