I finally found something for my anxiety.

I was reading an article about marijuana that said it is quickly becoming a miracle plant.

Different areas of medicine and health treatments have taken up the use of marijuana as one of its tools.

I myself have seen the benefits of the use of marijuana. I have always suffered from anxiety. I would find myself going through episodes of paranoia that has made my life more than difficult. I was experiencing anxiety even as a child. It was just a couple years ago that I learned about medical marijuana. Medical marijuana was legal in my state and my therapist at the time, helped me to get my medical marijuana card. I felt a bit odd thinking about using medical marijuana. I was afraid people would think I was turning into a pothead. I had used pot before, but I never considered it being a medical treatment. I started going through online magazines and getting all the information I could find about medical marijuana. After reading all about medical marijuana, I decided to give it a try. After only six weeks, I can’t believe how well I am feeling. Even my friends have noticed the difference in how I have been acting and feeling. I was also given a promotion at my job. I am more outgoing now, which makes me realize the medical marijuana is helping in all sectors of my life. I’m not sure why the entire country hasn’t adapted legal medical marijuana. It clearly has some real medical properties to it that could benefit a large part of the population..


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