I won the biggest prize of all day

Saturday afternoon, I went to the cannabis shop to purchase items for the following week.

The cannabis shop always has sales on the weekend, so I try to wait until then to stock up on items.

I can almost always find concentrate BOGO $1 and every weekend the cannabis shop has 25% off edibles. Last weekend, the cannabis shop was having an outdoor festival with food trucks, vendors, live music and free give ways. Outside the shop, a budtender was standing next to a large wooden wheel with more than a 100 different spaces. Each one of the spaces had a different prize. The prizes included stickers, lanyards, backpacks, free weed, disposable vape pens, and one space was indicated for the grand prize. The space was much smaller than the other prize spaces on the board.The best part about the well was the fact that each person got to spin regardless of whether or not they made a purchase from that cannabis shop. The parking lot was filled with people and everyone was laughing and having a good time. I waited in line to spend the prize board. A couple of people in front of me, a guy won a free t shirt, but most people were drawing the sticker and lanyard space. I walked up to the wheel and gave it a good spin. As the wheel started to slow down, I realized it might land on the grand prize space. Sure enough, it stopped right in the middle. I won a large bag filled with prizes, edibles, candy, and swag. I think there was easily $200 worth of cannabis items in the bag.

legal weed dispensary