Marijuana lessens my anxiety.

I recently realized what the article meant when it called marijuana a miracle plant. Marijuana has exploded on the medical field with a new tool that can help health professionals. Marijuana is being used in the treatment of cancer, diabetes, macular degeneration, and numerous other ailments, including rheumatoid arthritis and mental health. Ever since before I was a teenager, I have suffered with anxiety attacks that could leave me sitting on the floor in tears, and they are only worsening. I thought about going to a doctor and trying marijuana. My mother told me that if I wanted to be a pothead, I could get out of her house. She thought I was doing the devil’s work by using marijuana, and I would end e using meth, crack, and/or heroin. I was almost afraid to say something to the doctor, but I needed help. I talked to the therapist I was going to, and she helped me to get a medical marijuana card. The first time I went to the marijuana dispensary, I was in awe at all the products available. The budtender helped me to choose some gummies that would be good for when I am home. She also suggested some marijuana products I could use at work. I have found that since using marijuana, I have become more outgoing. I was given a promotion at work. I am enjoying being able to go out with my friends. They have also noticed a big change in the way I behave. Thanks to marijuana, I am finally feeling like I belong in this world.


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