Treating my terrible anxiety isn't always easy

Unless you suffer from anxiety, it’s hard to imagine how debilitating it can be.

I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder when I was 16 years old.

Since then, I have been on a number of different prescription drugs. Some of them made me feel better for a short amount of time. Some of them made me feel even more anxious, crazy, and depressed. I spent a lot of time in and out of mental hospitals, before I finally found a way to deal with my generalized anxiety disorder. I moved to a state where they have recreational marijuana legalized. I didn’t use marijuana products when I moved to the state. I actually decided to move for a girl. I met her online. After eight months of talking, I finally moved across the country. It was a huge commitment, but I didn’t want to spend one more day apart. Things in this part of the country are a lot different than my hometown. One major difference is recreational marijuana. It’s no big deal to toke up, and nearly half of the population use recreational marijuana at least once a week. My new girlfriend immediately suggested trying recreational marijuana to help with the anxiety. I didn’t have anything to lose and I trusted her. I was surprised by the effects. I was calm, relaxed, and carefree. For the first time in my life, I spent all afternoon having fun and laughing and I didn’t think about anything except being in the moment. It was the most amazing feeling in the world.

recreational marijuana dispensary