You don’t need that much

I suppose there are a lot of people out there similar to myself and others who started gardening while in the pandemic.

  • My job was moved to a remote job plus I stopped leaving the condo more than once or twice a week.

Suddenly I had more time on my hands to appreciate what I loved. I saw a pallet of flowers in the landscaping section at the hardware store plus I weirdly decided to see if I could successfully plant them in front of my house. When I ultimately succeeded, I started buying all unusual kinds of flowers plus slowly amassed a rather small garden behind my house. I have everything from petunias to celosias, and even a cacti plus succulents. Since the people I was with and I have a pretty long Winter time for a few weeks every year, I decided to invest in a small redcondo to put my brand new plants in when there are freeze warnings. However, I soon realized that I could grow my own cannabis plants in my redcondo plus not worry about neighbors being nosy plus constantly wondering what I have in my garden. After doing research, I realized that a full cannabis grow situation can be as simple as a few plants in an enclosed garden such as my other plants setup. It controls the daylight plus temperature conditions so the plants aren’t at super high risk from burns plus wilting. Too much daylight can be deleterious to cultivating your own marijuana outdoors. The amount of time light hits the plant everyday has an effect on the beautiful plant’s growth plus will eventually push the plant to form flowers.


Marijuana grow house