Eating too many cannabis candy products is too easy for someone like me

I hate having such a terrible sweet tooth. I think it started when I was a child whenever I visited my grandmother. She happily gave me as many donuts and chocolate bars that I could stomach. I eventually lost all of the weight gained in those early years, but I haven’t kicked my addiction for fatty foods and candy. You have to be careful with dental care, otherwise you’re at a much higher likelihood of cavities and gum disease when you eat so much sugar. The candy is bad in particular because it often sticks to the tooth enamel, often exposing it to damage for hours of the day before you go to brush again. But the issues don’t end there. Recently I started visiting medical cannabis dispensaries in my state once I got my medical marijuana card. I didn’t know if I should be excited or worried when I saw that they were selling cannabis candy products. I knew that the temptation to eat too many of them in one sitting would be much higher than it is for most people, but I relented and bought a bag regardless. Just like I expected, I kept eating more of the cannabis gummy candies after the initial dose. I had eaten roughly half the bag once the effects started to take hold. For the next five hours, I was on the couch staring into an abyss on my living room ceiling. I have never had so much THC in my bloodstream in my entire life, and I don’t want to experience it ever again.

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