I decided to pay the fee to get marijuana delivery yesterday

I haven’t been feeling so well over the past week, and yesterday things went from bad to worse. I thought that I was sick from food poisoning until I registered a high grade fever at 104 degrees. That’s when I went to the ER to make sure I wasn’t dying or something ridiculous like that. I don’t know if I was relieved when they told me it was the flu or if I was just happy it wasn’t something worse, but having the flu isn’t great either. My head feels like it’s going to explode and I can’t eat anything besides crackers and popsicles without feeling extreme nausea. I’m lucky that I work from home, but it isn’t suddenly easy to get work done while you’re sick simply because you can do it at home. It was hard enough just getting out of bed each day, let alone sit at my computer for hours on end and get work finished. Thankfully, my boss was extremely flexible with my deadlines until I recovered. I had planned on visiting the cannabis dispensary yesterday to restock myself on marijuana products, but I felt too sick to even drive. I rarely use the cannabis delivery services because of the added cost. Some dispensaries charge as much as $20 on delivery orders if you don’t meet a minimum price threshold of $100 or $200 for your entire order combined. The dispensary that I like the most charges $10 for all deliveries under $75. I was willing to pay the delivery fee if it meant that I could get my cannabis products without having to leave the house.


recreational marijuana dispensary