Treating my MS using cannabis flower products

All I can say is thank goodness for the support of those around me and medical marijuana.

That’s because being diagnosed with MS through me for such a loop that I was just completely stunned for a while.

And that led to me just feeling as though life was over as I knew it and what was the point anyway. That’s not a good place to be. My wonderful husband got me to an MS support group and that turned out to be one of the best things that has ever happened to me in my life. It was there that I first started to learn about the medical marijuana benefits when it comes to MS. I was able to get real medical marijuana information and learn the real medical marijuana facts. Plus, I got great guidance in how to get a medical marijuana card. The people in my MS group were wonderful and it encouraged me to view my diagnosis from a different perspective. But that perspective only grew as I began using cannabis flower products in my treatment. This was a bit of surprise as I hadn’t use cannabis products all that much in my life. The feeling I get from the cannabis flower products is a positive one that supports a proactive, life embracing perspective that has become essential. The physical medical marijuana benefits are also so important. I’m far less stiff and am able to do my exercises to help increase my flexibility. Life is going to be different but it’s far, far from over. Medical marijuana will help me manage whatever is ahead for me.



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