Getting lift from medical cannabis for inflammation condition

I have sort of run the gamut when it comes to diagnosis for my inflammation.

I’ve been told everything from arthritis to fibromyalgia to it’s just chronic inflammation and we don’t know why.

That seems to be the recurring theme with the doctors. They can certainly tell that I’m dealing with chronic inflammation but they don’t know why. Medical marijuana is helping me change all of that. I got some medical marijuana information from a friend and was quite intrigued. It was really interesting to learn about medical cannabis. And it’s ironic since I have been against cannabis products for such a long time. But that was due to all the misinformation and myths out there regarding cannabis products. Fortunately, with the advent of medical marijuana, I’m able to actually learn the truth. That medical marijuana information was based in medical marijuana facts. And it has changed not only how I view all cannabis products but it’s changing my life as well. And it’s a welcome change. The pain pill path was just getting to be too much for me. I felt not only dependent on the pain meds, they were also losing their efficacy. When I tried the cannabis flower products, I noticed right away that I had more range of movement. This led me to weaning off the meds and sticking with the medical marijuana. Not only am I treating my chronic inflammation with medical marijuana but it has motivated me to change my lifestyle. I’m eating clean, getting more rest and the cannabis flower products help me do my stretching exercise and that really helps.

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