Local dispensary lets patients with pickup orders check-in with front desk before arrival

A lot of the people who shop at our local dispensary are older folks who are used to buying bags of cannabis flower buds from friends or associates in little plastic baggies.

If you tell them that the dispensary has an online menu where you can create pickup or delivery orders ahead of time, they’ll start to draw a blank.

I go out of our way to give assistance with anyone struggling to use the online method for the cannabis dispensary. However, I draw an exception with the miserable people who get pisssed that pickup orders are prioritized ahead of walk-ins. I have been cussed out by miserable men that are waiting in their seats for 20 minutes while I’m checking-in on our cellphone as well as eating at a eating establishment next door. Once I get to the minute place in line, I enter the building as well as hand the person at the front desk our medical marijuana card. That’s when the employee escorts myself and others to the cash register. When this happens, anyone waiting in the lobby assumes that I’m getting preferential treatment; the truth is that anyone can use this feature if they have a smartphone. The people at the front desk should be relaying this information to these miserable patrons so they stop venting their frustrations on innocent people care about myself. Unluckyly, there are a number of people in every age demographic who are too lazy or self-pressing to learn anything new if it requires even the slightest bit of effort on their part. This is not something identifiable to older folks, although with them it often manifests when they interact with new technology.


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