Blue dream makes me feel talkative

I am very talkative when I use blue dream in the morning.

My friends and I always smoke some before going hiking or to the lake on Saturdays and sundays.

I regularly use recreational cannabis, but I don’t frequently smoke weed before I go to work. The boss frowns when I come to work smelling like a pot shop. I received a written warning two weeks after I was hired. Unfortunately, I have a fear of public speaking and a corporate job that requires me to make presentations every once in a while. When I have to give a presentation, I always smoke Blue Dream marijuana buds in the morning. Blue dream is a sativa dominant marijuana strain that is a cross between Kush and blueberry. Blue Dream is one of my absolute favorite sativas. Whenever it is available or on sale, I always buy more flour. One great side effect of using blue dream is the fact that it makes me extremely talkative. I rarely have problems giving a presentation if I use blue dream in the morning before I go to work. I told my boss one time that my great presentation was due to all the Cannabis I smoked that morning and he laughed. The guy thought I was joking, but I was 100% telling the truth. I never would have done such a good job if I wasn’t high. The blue dream strain makes me forget that I have any anxiety at all. It doesn’t surprise me that so many people use cannabis as medicine every single day of the week.


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