Marketing the website was harder than I thought

My business partner and I invested 3 million dollars so we could open a cannabis dispensary and Lounge downtown.

Neither one of us had any knowledge on the rules, laws, or regulations regarding cannabis, so we had to hire a consultant to help us with nearly every step of the process.

After the business licenses were approved, my partner and I went to a tech company to build a website for our new company. The graphic designer worked hard to get the logo exactly how we wanted. The woman created a website that was easy to use with bright vivid colors and an attractive design. The grand opening was a huge success and the store was packed with customers most of the day. Unfortunately, after several weeks the cannabis lounge and dispensary was very slow with little foot traffic in the door. I contacted the cannabis consultants again and set up a meeting so we could discuss marketing strategies and the website. The traffic to the website was extremely low and a lot of that was due to poor advertising. With a little help and some interesting advertising, I think we have a winning combination. Only time will tell if the changes we made will be successful. We have some of the best products on the market and we are open from six until midnight everyday of the week. We even offer daily specials on different products in the store. We don’t offer delivery, but we are located right in the middle of the city next to the train station, subway, and three different bus stops.

Medical marijuana dispensary consulting service