Medical marijuana flower is cheaper than recreational with the state taxes on the latter

These dispensaries are often running insane sales so they can compete head to head in this market

When I attended college around 2010, Many of us assumed that it would be decades before we saw marijuana legal in as many states as it is today. We were discreetly using our smoking equipment out of sight from school officials and campus police. Although we were all good students, it was frustrating feeling like a criminal whenever I drove back to campus from my dealer’s house. Even if we could buy it from another student in the residence halls, we were paranoid about getting caught smoking in our rooms and effectively being expelled from school as a result. Thankfully neither I, nor anyone I knew personally, ever got in trouble for marijuana use or possession; although, alcohol was a serious problem and still is at my alma mater. To my utter surprise, rules on cannabis use have changed drastically in my state. Now you can obtain medical marijuana from 25 different dispensary companies that operate stores around the state. And because our cannabis program isn’t taxed like recreational cannabis in places like California and Michigan, our medical marijuana flower is much cheaper than much of the recreational variants. I can usually get a marijuana flower jar with 3.5 grams of flower buds inside for anywhere between $25 and $40 if I’m smart about where and when I shop. These dispensaries are often running insane sales so they can compete head to head in this market. Although I pay through the roof to keep myself in the medical marijuana program, at least my medicine is cheaper. That’s a huge benefit when some people are spending $65 in some states for the same size jar of marijuana flower buds.


recreational pot