Trying bizarre kinds of cannabis

Throughout our entire life up until now I have needed to be undoubtedly parsimonious with our weed use, then i had a limited budget plus limited access, so I was always undoubtedly judicious about smoking.

  • I knew people that smoked all morning every morning, but not me.

I smoked in the days, maybe with a wake plus bake for nice measure on the weekends, but our weed intake was always undoubtedly moderate! Now that I am older, I have more disposable income, plus more access, things have changed, then having access to a cannabis dispensary has opened me up to a whole new world of smoking pot! For the first time I ever can really have variety in our biweekly cannabis experiences, previously I always needed to buy bulk, because who knew when I would be able to score cannabis again, so I would load up, but that meant I would be smoking the same marijuana every morning for weeks on end. No matter how nice the cannabis is, constant use of the same stuff will get boring. Now the cannabis dispensary is open, I can go option up a little sampler of many kinds of cannabis, plus then go back the next morning plus get an really bizarre sampler. I am not on a personal quest to try smoking every type of bud in the cannabis dispensary, although I just like tasting new blends plus strains, when I find a kind I particularly like, I will buy a small bag, just enough to smoke on for a few afternoons, because I don’t want to get bored with any one kind of cannabis.
OG kush