From athlete to cannabis expert

I was never a premiere athlete, I never had any hopes of turning pro, but for my younger years I depended on my body to get where I wanted to go in life.

I started playing high school football because of my size and strength, even though I wanted to study agriculture and botany.

Football got me to a university and paid for most of my studies, something I never could have afforded otherwise, so I was religious about my health and fitness. All through high school and college I never drank alcohol, I never smoked cigarettes or cannabis, because I wanted to remain in top shape for football. Once football was behind me, and I was out in the world like a regular person, I immediately put my botany degree in starting a cannabis grow room in my garage. Of course I wanted to smoke cannabis, who doesn’t want to do that? But moreover I wanted to better study the scientific and medicinal properties of different cannabis strains. At the time, medical cannabis was not legal in many states, but I knew it was a growth industry and I wanted to get in on it early. Thanks to my early studies in my garage, it didn’t take long to get funding from a major chain of cannabis dispensaries that wanted my expertise. Although we all knew that eventually recreational marijuana use would be legalized, that might take years, and the medical applications of cannabis would generate profits much more quickly. I love my work, and will always be thankful for sports for getting me here.
