I can’t smoke cannabis in my apartment

The adjustment to living in an apartment again is tough to take.

For the last decade I had my own home, but thanks to the divorce I am back to renting a flophouse bachelor pad.

I would say that I hate it, but hate isn’t a strong enough word. It isn’t that the space is a lot smaller, or that the appliances are older, or that my neighbors smell bad, it is the lack of freedom. When you own your house, no one can tell you nothing! You make the rules! Now the landlord makes the rules, and there is no smoking of tobacco or cannabis allowed in the apartments. Thank goodness we live in a day and age where cannabis dispensaries offer dozens of smokeless options, or else I would have to break my lease. With tools like vape pens and cannabis oil, or the hundreds of kinds of marijuana infused edibles and drinks, I will never have to ignite a marijuana lead in my apartment. That said, I have to tell you that I miss it, and as great as all these other options are, they don’t scratch the itch like a fat bowl of cannabis. There is nothing quite like putting flame to flower and catching a hot, fresh lungful of pungent cannabis smoke. It is making my mouth water just writing this, that’s how long it’s been since I properly smoked cannabis! I can always go sit in my car in the parking lot to smoke cannabis, but I feel like such a bum doing it that way. I want to get high at home!



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