I found a pound of cannabis after the party

Two weekends ago I threw what turned out to be an epic party.

My acrimonious divorce had finally settled, and my ex was fully in the rear view mirror of my life, so it felt like a great time to throw a huge blowout.

The turnout was five times larger than expected, we had three noise complaints called in on us, and we raged until the break of dawn. The next day I was starting the cleanup efforts, which were intense, when I found something that one of my visitors must have accidentally left behind. It was a large, very heavy container of cannabis, just over a pound of it! This put me in an awkward spot, because that was enough cannabis to keep me high for many months. On the other hand, the odds were good that someone would come looking for it, because who wouldn’t miss this much marijuana? If you drop a dime bag of grass in a store, you probably won’t risk going back to look for it, but a pound of quality marijuana is a serious amount of money. I decided that because it was my house, I had the right to at least sample this cannabis. I smoked a few bowls of it, and I must say it was some of the tastiest marijuana I have ever smoked before. Two days later a man I didn’t recognize came by and asked about the cannabis, so of course I gave it to him. I even confessed to smoking some of it, but he was so grateful he gave me a whole handful of marijuana as a thank you.

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