We dumped our cannabis in the water

I think this is sort of a funny story, although it did not seem funny at the time. My friends and I got a couple of long canoes, some tents, and a weekend’s worth of supplies to go camping out in the woods. We would take a series of small creeks and canals out deep into the thicket, near one of the many nearby lakes, and spend a weekend communing with nature. Along the way there, one of the canoes turned over, thoroughly soaking both our supply of hallucinogens and our cannabis. Without our two main party favors, this weekend was not looking pretty grim, and although we recovered some of the cannabis, it was soaking wet and unsmokeable. A couple of us had prescription cards for the medical cannabis dispensary, so we could buy as much as we wanted, but that didn’t help us out in the middle of nowhere. Thankfully we had Ed there, and since Ed doesn’t have a connection for medical cannabis, he is an expert at salvage and recovery. Everyone else focused on getting to the camp site and setting up, but Ed focused on trying to recover as much cannabis as he could. The first night was pretty rough, but halfway into the following day Ed used the natural heat of the sun to cure and dry some of the cannabis. By the time we went back home, Ed had managed to dry out almost all of the cannabis, and we smoked every last bit of it. So overall the trip was a success.

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