An edible for an adult cannabis user

I don’t like smoking cannabis.

I don’t feel it is good inhaling anything into your lungs.

I don’t smoke any product and I also own an air purifier. I am nuts about keeping myself healthy. There are health benefits to marijuana products. They assist with inflamed muscles and chronic pain. They can help you sleep, increase appetite, reduce nausea and other important bodily functions. If I need a little help and turn to cannabis, I only do an edible format. I don’t like the typical pot brownie or baked goods. Why would I want to gain weight while also taking in cannabis? There are other edible forms too. You can get hardy candy, gummies, mints, gums and mouth sprays. I prefer a mint form of cannabis. I just pop one in if I need to rest up at night or clear my mind. It lasts around five minutes but the calming sensation lasts for much longer. I am not needy for taking in calories or really affecting my health. Taking a mint at a time is much easier too. I also can make this cannabis product last quite a bit since I don’t overuse it. My friends think I am the most boring cannabis user. I don’t smoke, I don’t party with cannabis and I only take an edible form in order to sleep. I am an adult cannabis user. I just want to sleep and have less anxiety. I also don’t want to smell like weed in order to do that.


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