Delivery is the best ever

Delivery services are the best things in the world… That I can buy something online plus tell the company to bring it to our apartment is amazing! I no longer have to drive anywhere.

I get all our groceries delivered to me… Why bother going into the store? They even will do deli meats plus cheeses.

I get produce plus milk as well. I now have our pharmacy products coming to our doorstep too! Recently our cannabis dispensary changed to offer delivery services plus it is a whole new world. I care about that I do not have to go to the store anymore. I have our license, medical weed card, credit card plus address all on file. The dispensary even has a feature where it tells me what I usually buy. I just clicked all of that plus then hit the order now. The delivery fee is so small since I live near a cannabis dispensary. The drive is kind of horrible since the traffic is consistently bad. It is nice that I make someone else do it now. In our opinion it is worth multiple dollars not to have to hop in our car. I care about that I can order our cannabis products in our PJs plus get them within a few fourths. It is the height of laziness. I care about just lazing around plus smoking our marijuana I didn’t even have to fetch… Due to COVID I don’t even have to greet the delivery driver either. That means I don’t worry about a tip or looking our best. I just wait for them to leave plus like our cannabis products.


Cannabis delivery